The Penn State Alumni AssociationWhat’s been happening: After having no luck getting a job in Meteorology after graduation, I ended up moving back to PA in 2006. I married Elisa in 1998. I worked a few places in a cubicle, but in 2003 I decided to pursue my original dream of aviation since the Meteorology thing wasn't working out. I quickly got all of my licenses/rating, and ended up flight instructing for 3 1/2 years. Towards the end of that time, I did a little Charter work, and also some contract work for Quest Diagnostics. I decided that I wanted to pursue a full-time job with Quest Diagnostics, so I stopped the flight instructing and Charter work, and it paid off in 2008 when I was officially hired on. I am a Specimen Captain, and transport the medical specimens to the testing labs around the country for immediate testing/results. I love what I do!! The view from my "cubicle" is usually awesome!! In 2007, we had our pride and joy, Emma! I was always nervous about being a father, but what a great time the last two years has been, and I look forward to many more of the same. And yes, she roots on PSU every fall, and knows when to signal TOUCHDOWN!! Of course sometimes she hears the word touchdown, and signals for the WRONG team, but we quickly correct that. Haha. Hope all is well with everyone from the PSU Meteo 1993 class....Take care. |